Coming Soon!

Abilitunes is a program that provides weekly musical instruction and interactive participation in a group setting for adults with intellectual disabilties. Members will have the opportunity to learn songs around a central theme. Each “season” culminates in a special concert for families and friends.
Each session will consist of 60 minutes of musical instruction, learning songs and playing simple hand-held instuments. A 30 minute “Rockstar After Party” will follow, where they’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with others on a one-to-one basis in a social setting. Participants will receive a lanyard with a personalized backstage pass, along with an Abilitunes t-shirt.
Click the flyer on the left for more information.
To enroll, contact 337 Sound and Vision* by email at abilitunes@gmail.com or call 732-501-8098.
Let’s all make beautiful music together!
*337 Sound and Vision is a New Jersey state DDD approved vendor.
Let’s Get Together
Get in touch so we can make beautiful music together!